2025 5th International Conference on Power Grid Systems and Green Energy (PGSGE 2025)



Conference General Chairs



Prof. Bimal K. Bose

IEEE Life Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering

The University of Tennessee, USA

Bose held the Condra Chair of Excellence (Endowed Chair Professor) in Power Electronics at UT since 1987, where he was responsible for teaching and the research program in power electronics and motor drives. Concurrently, he was the Distinguished Scientist (1989-2000) and the Chief Scientist (1987-1989) of EPRI-Power Electronics Applications Center, Knoxville, TN. Prior to this, he was a Research Engineer in the General Electric Corporate Research and Development (now GE Global Research Center), Schenectady, NY, for 11 years (1976-1987), an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY for five years (1971-1976), and a faculty member at Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU)(formerly Bengal Engineering College), India for 11 years (1960-1971). He is specialized in power electronics and motor drives area, and has given extensive contributions in power converters, PWM techniques, electric/hybrid vehicle drives, microprocessor/DSP control, system simulation, renewable energy systems, and  application of artificial intelligence techniques (expert system, fuzzy logic and neural network) in power electronics and drives systems. He served as a visiting professor in Federal University of Mato Grosso Sul (1989), Brazil; Aalborg University (1997), Denmark; Padova University (2003), Italy; Sevilla University (2008), Spain; and European PhD School (2010), Italy. He has been power electronics consultant in a large number of industries. Dr. Bose has authored and co-authored more than 250 papers and holds 21 U.S. patents. He has authored/edited seven books in power electronics: Power Electronics and Motor Drives – Advances and Trends (Elsevier/Academic Press, 2006), Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives (Prentice-Hall, 2001), Power Electronics and AC Drives (Prentice-Hall, 1986), Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives (Wiley/IEEE Press, 1997), Modern Power Electronics (IEEE Press, 1992), Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives (IEEE Press, 1987), and Adjustable Speed AC Drive Systems (IEEE Press, 1981). The books have been translated in several foreign languages.  “Dr. Bimal K. Bose: A Reference for Generations – globally promoted power electronics, not only by his research publications and books, but also through his endless tutorial presentations, invited seminars, IEEE Distinguished Lectures and keynote addresses throughout the world” – comments IEEE IES Magazine Editor (June 2009). The IEEE IE Society Magazine (June 2009) honored him by publishing a “Special Issue Honoring Dr. Bimal Bose and Celebrating His Contributions in Power Electronics” with his photo on front cover.



Prof. Om P. Malik

IEEE Life Fellow, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Malik graduated in electrical engineering in 1952 and obtained a Master’s degree in electrical machine design in 1962. He received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of London and a D.I.C. from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London in 1965. Dr. Malik worked in electric utilities in India from 1952 to 1961 and spent one year, 1959-60, as a Confederation of British Industries Senior Scholar with manufacturing companies in the U.K. He taught at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, from 1966-68 and joined the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 1968. He was acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in 1981, Associate dean (Academic) from July 1979 to December 1990, and Associate Dean (Student Affairs) from July 1995 to December 1998. At present he is Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary. Dr. Malik is a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of Can. Academy of Eng., IET, EIC, Engineers Canada and World Innovation Foundation. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario. Among other awards, he has received the APEGGA Heritage Foundation Research Excellence Award, APEGGA Volunteer Service Award, IEEE Canada General A.G.L. McNaughton Medal, IEEE Western Canada Council Merit Award, IEEE Centennial Medal, IEEE Millennium Medal, IEEE PES Electric Machinery Committee and Technical Council Distinguished Service Awards, Eng. Inst. of Canada CPR Engineering Medal, Faculty of Eng. Univ. of Calgary Distinguished Lifetime Leadership Award, Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng. Research Excellence Award, and been admitted to the Order of the University of Calgary. He is past-chair of the IEEE PES Electric Machinery Committee, 2011-2012 Chair of the IEEE PES Energy Development and Power Generation Committee and is also a member of the IEEE PES Technical Council. He was a member of the IEEE MGA Board and IEEE Board of Directors as Director, IEEE Region 7 (Canada), President IEEE (Canada) for 2010-2011 and President, Engineering Institute of Canada for 2014-2016. 



Prof. Saidur Rahman

Sunway University, Malaysia

Professor Saidur Rahman is currently working as a Distinguished Research Professor and Head of the Research Centre for Nano-Materials and Energy Technology (RCNMET) at Sunway University. He is also working with Lancaster University as a full Professor. Previously, he worked as a Chair Professor at the Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia. Prior to joining KFUPM, Prof. Saidur worked 18 years in University of Malaya. Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters awarded him highly cited researcher for being among the top 1% researchers for most cited documents in his research field for the eight consecutive years (2014-2021). In 2019, Prof. Saidur won Vice Chancellor’s award for achievement in Research, Sunway University. Prof. Saidur published almost 550 journal papers, mostly in top ranking high impact journals. He is ranked #1 by Web of Science on “nanofluids” research related topic. He almost 70,00 citations with an h-index of 135 according to Google Scholar citation. He has supervised more than 80 postgraduate students so far and has secured and managed more than 25 million ringgit research grants as a PI and member. Prof. Saidur is working in the area of emerging nano-materials (MXenes) and their applications in energy storage, heat transfer, solar energy harvesting and environmental remediation. 

Technical Program Committee Chair




University of Malaya, Malaysia

Ir. Dr. Ching Yern Chee is an Assoc. professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Malaya. She graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UTM. She is a Chartered Engineer registered by the Engineering Council (UK). Her research focus is Environmental Friendly Products and Technologies; and she has secured more than RM 5 million research grants. Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ching Yern Chee has contributed immensely to the development and enhancement in science & technology in Malaysia, particularly in the field of green polymer composite. Her significant achievement is the development of a novel composite lacquer with high FIR effectiveness and UV blocking properties for agricultural greenhouse film. This invention has successfully provided multi-functional roles to agricultural film in a cheaper processing cost and allows for optimum growing conditions. The development of green and biodegradable mulch film from oil palm fiber/biopolymer composite has contributed to the reduction of landfill plastic mulch film from algricultural farms. She has provided solutions to industrial problems and have developed new composite materials that exhibit enhance performances and reliabilities as alternatives to petroleum-based plastics. Ching has filed numerous patents for her inventions and received many accolades as a distinguished scholar. Ching has won >20 awards at international/national exhibitions pertaining to her research and inventions. Ching was the recipient of “Leaders in Innovation Fellowship 2017” by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK for her notable contribution in the field of engineering education and advancement in composite field. Ching is the recipient of “Top Research Scientists Malaysia 2020” (TRSM) from Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM). Dr. Ching was selected as one of UM Researchers Among The World's Top 2% Scientists 2022 and 2023 by Elservier. She is also a recipient of the “Hitachi Fellowship 2019” with a tenure at the The University of Kitakyushu, Japan as a visiting scholar. The international awards bestowed on Dr. Ching have opened new doors for her research through collaborations and consultation.

Publication Chairs



Assoc. Prof. Noor Izzri Abdul Wahab 

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

He has published more than 100 publications. He has more than 5 PhD students and more than 10 MSc students graduated  under his supervision. He has accumulated more than RM 1mill in research grants (government, international and national). He is the founding member of the Advanced Lightning, Power and Energy Research Centre (ALPER), UPM. He is a registered Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Professional Engineer (Ir.), a member of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and a Senior Member of IEEE. His areas of interest include power system stability, application of AI in power systems and power quality.



Assoc. Prof. Mohd Khair Bin Hassan 

University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Mohd Khair Hassan was born in Melaka, Malaysia, in November 1974. He received his BEng (Hons) degree in Electrical and Electronics from the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, in 1998 and his MEng degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). He later completed his Ph.D. degree, specializing in automotive engineering, from the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2010. Currently, he is the Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, and a registered professional engineer in the field of electronics under the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Additionally, he is a Malaysian Board of Technology (MBOT)-certified professional technologist. He is currently serving as vice president of the Malaysian Society for Automatic and Control Engineers (MACE), also known as IFAC-MACE Malaysia, and is an IEEE senior member. Control systems, battery systems, and AI applications are among his areas of interest. His research team focuses on RUL prediction, energy management, battery balancing, and battery modeling. In journals, he has authored over 78 publications and five book chapters. Currently mentoring 16 PhD and 5 MSc students, he has graduated 12 PhD and 15 MSc students. He also serves on the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) and Engineering Technology Accreditation Council (ETAC) panels that accredit electrical and electronic (EE) programs appointed by the Malaysian Board of Engineers. He also serves as an external examiner for PhD and MSc students from Malaysian and international universities. Additionally, he serves as an evaluator and expert panel member for a variety of grant applications.

Organizing Committee Chair


Prof. Mohammad Lutfi Othman 

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Mohammad Lutfi Othman (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree (magna cum laude) in electrical engineering from The University of Arizona (UofA), Tucson, AZ, USA, in 1990, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical power engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Malaysia, in 2004 and 2011, respectively.,He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM. He is also a Research Member of the Advanced Lightning, Power and Energy Research (ALPER), UPM. He also practices as an electrical engineering consultant in electrical services installation works by diversifying as the electrical director/partner in a local engineering consulting firm. He is also a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) registered under the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) registered under the Engineering Council U.K., the Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) under the Energy Commission Malaysia, and a Certified Professional in Measurement and Verification (CPMV) under Malaysian Green Technology Corporation. His research interests include power system protection (protective relay operation modeling and analysis, computational-intelligence-based data mining for knowledge discovery in relay database, application of artificial intelligence in protection algorithms, adaptive numerical protective relays, and development of numerical protective relays), power system operation (power quality, smart grid, and distributed generation), electrical services installation works (design and project administration consultancy), and energy efficiency management (demand side management, energy efficiency management, and building energy management system)

Organizing Committees

Prof. Chongwen Zhou, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Prof. Liang Li, Anhui University, China

Prof. Tao Yu, Tongji University, China

Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna,National University of Singapore, Singapore

Prof. Zude Zhou, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Prof. Xin Chen, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Prof. Cong Wang, Dept. of Physics, Beihang University, China

A. Prof. Kai Wu, Tongji University, China

A.Prof. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, JB Knowledge Park, India

Dr. Hao Peng, Yangtze Normal University, China

Dr. Mohd Amrallah Mustafa, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Haslina Jaafar, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Ribhan Zafira Bte Abdul Rahman, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Tn. Syed Ruslim Syed Amran, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

En. Mohamad Azmi Bin Mohd Omar Ali, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Technical Program Committees

Prof. Qibin Li, Chongqing University, China

Prof. Chuanshuang Hu, South China Agricultural University, China

Prof. Ziad Moumni, ENSTA ParisTech, France

A. Prof. Erjia Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore

A. Prof. Ching Yern Chee, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Yumn Suhaylah Yusoff, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Yishuang Hu, Zhejiang University, China

Dr. Xiuling Cao, Heibei GEO University, China

Dr. Wan Maisarah Mukhtar, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. SM Shahrul Nizan Shikh Zahari, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia 

Dr. Rosaria Anna Puglisi, CNR-IMM, Italy

Dr. Reza Abdi Behnagh, Urmia University of Technology, Iran

Dr. Jie Yang, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Dr. Ji He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dr. Jagriti Narang, Jamia Hamdard, India

Dr. Hao Wu, University of Jinan, China

Dr. Ahmad Zafir Romli, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Ang Zi Yang Adrian, Newcastle University (International Singapore), Singapore